Life 2.0

Monday, May 01, 2006

Moving from offline to online...

With each passing week, I'm realizing that I've started moving more and more of my life online. The rate at which the internet is becoming an integral part of my life is not a joke. And to say that I'm loving it would be an understatement. The feeling of being in control of my content (knowledge, information, resources... however you wanna put it) wherever I am is not only intoxicating, but also very empowering.

Not very long ago, all the internet meant to me was google, yahoo mail & AOL instant messenger (as it still does to a huge majority of people I know). Today, those are the last things I use the internet for. Today, the internet is fast becoming my personal content repository. It's like the one locker I had been waiting for all this while, which would free me from the worries of being left out in the dark when I'm away from my desk, home or office. It stores my favorite locations on the web, stores all my photos, helps me keep track of my tasks and important dates, maintains my daily calendar, stores my personal documents & music, and does much more!

Not so long away in the future, I see myself writing and editing all my documents and spreadsheets online, collaborating with my collegues to update databases I create through applications I develop and chatting with friends from all IM networks right from inside a browser! Not that I can't do all of this already, it's just that I haven't tried it enough yet.

And all of this at no cost other than what I pay for my internet connection, mind you!

There is therefore nothing stopping me from going ahead and living a new life. One that's happily online. One that's what many would call version 2.0...


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